About the Association | History of Sunnyside Gardens | Historic Preservation
Our mission is to promote and nurture a welcoming atmosphere among our members by organizing neighborhood committees and events dedicated to natural preservation, historical integrity, community building, and to address issues of common concern to residents.Snowy Sunnyside



Jordan Deschler Jordan Deschler (info@rooseveltcourt.org)

Vice President

Clinton Brandhagen
Clinton Brandhagen (vp@rooseveltcourt.org)


Marion Eakin (secretary@rooseveltcourt.org)


Tony Rohling (treasurer@rooseveltcourt.org)


Planter Maintenance

Chairperson: Bill Colvin (colvinwt@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To care for and provide maintenance on plants and planters that were installed/planted in 2010.


Chairperson: Jesse Nover (jessenover@yahoo.com)
Committee Description: To preserve and maintain the open court yards. Responsibilities include yearly planting, pruning, and leaf raking.

Snow Removal

Chairperson: Dietmar Detering (ddetering@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To provide snow removal services for neighbors with health problems, or disabilities and for our senior citizens. Responsibilities include shoveling sidewalks, entry walks and porches after each snow accumulation. Also applying ice melt.


Chairperson: Cecile Hastie (cecilehastie@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To conduct an annual membership drive. Responsibilities include a door to door canvas of neighbors (owner/renters). Purpose is to encourage neighbors to pay annual dues, provide an informational package and highlight the achievements of the Association.

Mosquito Control

Chairperson: Dietmar Detering (ddetering@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To work with neighbors to limit mosquito breeding and fight airborne mosquitoes. We treat manholes on our streets with larvicide, reach out to neighbors to improve drainage of roofs and gutters, and work with elected officials and city administrators as well as Con Edison to address standing water. The Oktober 2019 membership meeting also approved funds for bat shelters which we will employ this Spring.

Planting Strip Restoration

Chairperson: Dietmar Detering (ddetering@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To assist neighbors that want to restore the original planting strips on our sidewalks. RCA offers $10 per linear foot of pavers and $30 per linear foot of concrete when it is removed in order to restore the historic planting strips between the walking area of our sidewalks and the curb, typically four feet wide. The committee is also in charge of the street tree planting efforts of Roosevelt Court.

Welcome Basket

Chairperson: Cecile Hastie (cecilehastie@gmail.com)
Committee Description: To provide all new neighbors with a welcome basket, containing business gift certificates, wine and cheese. Responsibilities include yearly solicitation of local businesses for gift certificates, creating a basket and delivering it to new neighbors.

Traffic and Safety

John Liebmann (jelsunny@aol.com)

RCA Website

Dietmar Detering (ddetering@gmail.com)

Roosevelt Court Association encourages our neighbors to participate in one of our committees or special projects. “Neighbors working together” not only make our historical and beautiful neighborhood a better place to live, but it is the perfect way for you to make new friends.  Knowing that each of you have a job and family tasks, the committees’ responsibilities are limited in scope and time so as not to become overwhelming. If you are interested in serving on a committee or have a new idea for a special project, please contact the President or Committee Chair.