Roosevelt Court Spring Clean-Up 2018
A big thank you to all volunteers who came and helped at our Saturday, 5/5/2018 Cinco de Mayo Spring Clean-Up in our Open Courts and our sidewalks! We've distributed the broken-down leaves from last fall's leaf raking event as mulch for our shrubs. In the afternoon, Chris Casey had many neighbors over for our Campfire Social.
Roosevelt Court Street Tree Initiative
We've been petitioning the NYC Department of Parks to fill in the gaps in our tree-lined streets and this winter they have delivered with two new trees and, hopefully, many more to follow this year and next. The picture shows the new London Plane in front of 3980 and 3978 48th St. The bucket is loosely tied to the tree and has holes in it. When it is dry, the neighbors are filling the bucket with water allowing the five gallons to trickle into the soil slowly in order to reach the tree, not the gutter.
Remembering Charles Thompson
Our good friend, neighbor, and former Roosevelt Court Association Treasurer Charles Thompson passed away in April of 2017. In his memory, us neighbors planted some tulips in Charles backyard and in the surrounding areas in the open court. They have come out well!
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